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Training and Education

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Who is the training offered by MindPlace for?

We offer training to organizations, educational institutions and groups, taught by teachers at important educational institutions and business schools.

In what areas and with what methodology will we work?

We provide training in the following areas, always based on the rigor of scientific information and focused on practical applications:

Emotional Intelligence

Mindfulness and Self-kindness

Positive relationships in the workplace


Stimulation of Creativity and Innovation

Agile and Lean Methodologies

Neuro-education and neuro-learning

Intercultural adaptation: Diversity vs. Inclusion

Effective and positive communication

What is the format, duration and cost of the training?

We adapt the training to the needs of the group, carrying out online, in-person or hybrid training. The duration will depend on the objectives that the organization wants to achieve and its availability. We will be happy to listen to your needs and make a personalized proposal.

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